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Senator Perkins Kwoka Protects against Partisan Gerrymandering in Redistricting

Contact Name: Marina Altschiller

Phone: (603) 568-9357

CONCORD – Today, Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka (D-Portsmouth) introduced SB 255 to the Senate Election Law and Municipal Affairs Committee. SB 255 establishes redistricting criteria which specifically prohibits partisan gerrymandering. The bill has not yet been acted on and will remain in committee until a vote is taken during an Executive Session.

After the hearing, prime sponsor Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka (D-Portsmouth) issued the following statement:

At the core, redistricting is about fair and equal representation – every district in every election should allow each qualified New Hampshire voter’s vote to count equally. Current state legislation allows the redistricting process to happen behind closed doors and without public input. This can lead to gerrymandered districts aimed at keeping one political party in power for a decade. SB 255 aims to protect New Hampshire voters by creating a specific prohibition on partisan gerrymandering. Only by protecting the voice of every Granite State voter can we ensure accurate and fair representation. Without fair maps, we lose this. We lose something that, in my mind, makes New Hampshire New Hampshire.”



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