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Senate Finance Republicans Reject Level Funding for Family Planning Programs

Contact Name: Marina Altschiller

Phone: (603) 271-3266

CONCORD – Today, Republican members of the Senate Finance Committee rejected an amendment from Senator Cindy Rosenwald (D-Nashua) and Senator Lou D’Allesandro (D-Manchester) that would have level-funded family planning programs in New Hampshire for the next nine months, until anticipated federal funds become available. Republicans also rejected an amendment from Senators Rosenwald and D’Allesandro to remove a policy instituted in HB 2 by the Republican controlled House to require the physical and financial separation of facilities performing routine medical care from abortion services. This separation requirement is not only unnecessary, as there is already state law that prohibits the use of state money for abortion services, but puts the health care services of 12,000 Granite Staters at risk.

After the vote, Senator Cindy Rosenwald (D-Nashua) issued the following statement:

“Make no mistake: the votes cast by my Republicans colleagues today are a direct assault on reproductive health in New Hampshire. Their actions today will have a devastating effect on access to fundamental health care for both men and women across the state. The politicization of these health care providers creates a system of discrimination against the individuals most in need of care.

I hope my colleagues on the other side of the aisle never have to worry about their ability to access the most personal kind of health care they need, and I am absolutely devastated for the individuals in New Hampshire who, because of today’s vote, will be left without care including cancer screenings, STD screenings, breast exams, and birth control services. To those who will be going without care in the coming months, I am truly sorry that Republican talking points took priority over your health and wellbeing.”



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