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Executive Council Meeting Cancelled Due to Reckless Anti-Vaccine Protestors

Contact Name: Marina Altschiller

Phone: (603) 271-3207

CONCORD – Today’s meeting of the New Hampshire Executive Council was canceled following an anti-vaccine protest that caused state employees in attendance to fear for their lives. The cancellation notice was made by Councilor Dave Wheeler (R-Milford) with the Governor nowhere in sight.

Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy (D-Manchester) issued the following statement in response:

“Today’s Executive Council meeting was an alarming demonstration of the dangerous and reckless behavior that has been allowed to manifest under Governor Sununu and the elected Republican majorities. It is long past time that the Republican leadership of this state stop coddling extremists who continue spreading misinformation and threatening the lives of our state employees to score political points. This has gone on for far too long and needs to be stopped, now.”



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