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Commissioner of Ed Encourages Further Divide Between Parents and Schools at Anti-Government Forum

Contact Name: Marina Altschiller, Daniel Mason

Phone: (603) 271-3207

CONCORD – On Sunday, New Hampshire Commissioner of Education Frank Edelblut spoke at a forum hosted by the Government Integrity Project, a far-right, anti-government organization that has promoted conspiracy theories and worked to undermine public health measures. During his speech, Commissioner Edelblut praised agitators who have shut down school board meetings across the state and encouraged parents to fight against commonsense mask requirements as well as necessary lessons on race and gender.

Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy and House Democratic Leader Renny Cushing issued the following statements in response:

“It is deeply concerning that Commissioner Edelblut would think that attending this meeting was appropriate under any circumstance,” stated Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy. “New Hampshire deserves a Commissioner of Education who is dedicated to all of our students, who does not actively work to dismantle our public school system, and who does not align themselves with anti-government extremists. His harmful actions have been allowed to go on for far too long. Governor Sununu must call for the Commissioner’s resignation for the safety of our students, our parents, our educators, and our schools.”

House Democratic Leader Renny Cushing stated, “Governor Sununu’s continued support for Frank Edelblut as Education Commissioner is unacceptable. Commissioner Edelblut has inappropriately used his office to meet with fringe groups on multiple occasions, and it is past time for the governor to demand his resignation. Since Sununu first appointed him four years ago, Commissioner Edelblut has been working to undermine teachers, school boards, and public education every step of the way. Until Governor Sununu takes decisive action to remove Commissioner Edelblut from office, our students’ education will continue to be dictated by extremists.”



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