Senator Chandley Introduces SB 8, to Establish an Independent Redistricting Commission
Senator Levesque Introduces SB 7, Secure Modern Accurate Registration Technology (SMART Act)
Senator Kahn Introduces SB 276, “Career Readiness Drive to 65”
Senator Rosenwald Introduces SB 290 to Improve the New Hampshire Granite Advantage Health Care Progr
Senator Chandley Introduces SB 312, Medical Monitoring for Exposure to Toxic Substances
Senate Votes Unanimously to Increase DCYF Staffing Levels
Senate Passes SB 1, Comprehensive Paid Family and Medical Leave
NH College Graduate Retention and Incentive Program (GRIP) Unanimously Passes Senate
NH House and Senate Democrats Respond to Governor’s Budget Address
Senator Cavanaugh Introduces SB 95-FN, Establishing a Property Tax Refund Program for New Hampshire’